Τρίτη 24 Ιουλίου 2007

Ο δίσκος της χρονιάς

Ανακαλύπτεται τις δύσκολες ώρες.Τις ώρες που ανασταίνονται και τα νεκρά blogs :).
Panda Bear-Person Pitch.

Kαι για κάτι τύπους σαν εμένα που συχνά απολαμβάνουν τις κριτικές περισσότερο από τις δίσκους,παραθέτω κάποια λόγια του Pitchfork:

Person Pitch as a whole-- and "Bros" in particular-- evokes the sunshine of Lennox's adopted Lisbon, Portugal home. But it's the kind of light best experienced with eyes closed-- with the rays filtered through eyelids, turning the world into various shades of red and orange. You can feel the warmth pouring out of the music and see abstractions of its inspirations-- that whole long list and more-- as they cycle around again and again and again. Five of these seven songs have been released in various forms on singles and 12"s previously, so the exceptionally high quality of this music isn't a surprise to those who have been following Panda Bear closely. Still, hearing it all together in one place and listening to it all at one time is both overwhelming and inspirational.

Πάντως χάρηκα γιατί ήταν απο τις φορές που πρώτα άκουσα και ξετρελάθηκα και μετα διάβασα.